
haiku of the "day"

Haiku of the day #18 - 2019/4/11
What a sturdy tree.
Can't believe it can hold me.
Though I hear a crack...

Haiku of the day #17 - 2019/3/6
Jim there's a problem.
Your dog is peeing on my lawn.
I saw a zipper...

Haiku of the day #16 - 2019/2/26
*Knock knock knock knock knock
knock knock knock knock konck* Who's there!?
Wait there's no one here...

Haiku of the day #15 - 2019/2/25
Knock knock jokes are lame.
All the punchlines are the same.
All of you I blame!

Haiku of the day #14 - 2019/2/23
Honey, I am home!
Hold on, what did I just hear?
Is that my wife's moan!?

Haiku of the day #13 - 2019/2/15
Take a sip of this.
Take a sip of B drink now.
They both taste the same...

Haiku of the day #12 - 2018/12/31
Bye 2018.
We had ups and we had downs.
Hi 2019.

Haiku of the day #11 - 2018/11/23
Crap, I missed a day!
The world is going to end!
Oh... Nothing happened...

Haiku of the day #10 - 2018/11/21
I'm studying hard.
Don't know much but hope I will.
Hopefully I pass...

Haiku of the day #9 - 2018/11/20
Hello there princess.
Please take this sword on your way.
In search for the prince.

Haiku of the day #8 - 2018/11/19
I don't like how hai
kus are limiting in syll
ables, it sucks lots.

Haiku of the day #7 - 2018/11/18
Fourty thousand views...
Thats four zero thousand views...
Lots of refreshes...

Haiku of the day #6 - 2018/11/17
I was almost late.
I have none but a haiku.
Hope that this will do...

Haiku of the day #5 - 2018/11/16
It is a snow day!
Now I can go out and play!
On my PC, duh.

Haiku of the day #4 - 2018/11/15
Can't do the shrug face.
Messes up my blog system.
Lesson has been learned.

Haiku of the day #3 - 2018/11/14
Look at the sunshine.
Grass is green, and the birds sing.
I'm a vampire...

Haiku of the day #2 - 2018/11/13
Hi me speak english.
I know all the words could know.
Native country here.

Haiku of the day #1 - 2018/11/12
Hi, I write a blog.
It's about dumb, stupid stuff.
Take a look and read. :)